2015 year
- Kouichi Tsuji, Atsushi Tabe, Peter Wobrauscheck, Christina Streli, Secondary Excitation Process for Quantitative Confocal 3D-XRF Analysis, Advances in X-ray Analysis, 58 (2015) 191-199.
- Ryota Yagi and Kouichi Tsuji, Confocal micro-XRF analysis of light elements with Rh X-ray tube and its application for painted steel sheet, X-Ray Spectrom., 44 (2015) 186-189.
- Kouichi Tsuji, “Combination of X-ray analytical technique and SPM”, in “Prospects in photon-stimulated scanning probe microscopy” to be published by Springer.
- 北戸 雄大、平野 新太郎、米谷 紀嗣、 辻 幸一、共焦点型蛍光X線分析法による置換めっきプロセスのモニタリング、X線分析の進歩、46 (2015) 269-276.
- A. Liedl, S.B. Dabagov, D. Hampai, C. Polese, and K. Tsuji, On X-Ray Channeling in a Vibrating Capillary, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B, 355 (2015) 289-292.
- Masaki Yamanashi, Noritsugu Kometani, and Kouichi Tsuji, Preliminary experiment of X-ray diffraction imaging, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B, 355 (2015) 272-275.
- 辻 幸一、「玩具表面から溶出する微量な重金属のモニター技術」、「微量金属分析とその前処理技術」10章8節、株式会社技術情報協会 (2015) 423-429
- Kouichi Tsuji (Book review), Total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis and related methods, Second Edition Edited by Reinhold Klockenkaemper and Alex von Bohlen (John Wiley & Sons Inc., New Jersey, 2015), X-ray spectrom., 44 (2015) 417.
- Rogerta Dalipi, Laura Borgese, Annalisa Zacco, Kouichi Tsuji, Emanuele Sangiorgi, Roberto Piro, Elza Bontempi and Laura E. Depero, Determination of trace elements in Italian wines by means of total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 95 (2015) 1208-1218.
- Kouichi Tsuji, Atsushi Tabe, Peter Wobrauscheck, and Christina Streli, Secondary excitation process for quantitative confocal 3D-XRF analysis, Powder Diffraction, 30 (2015) 109-112.
- Kouichi Tsuji, Tsuyoshi Matsuno, Yuki Takimoto, Masaki Yamanashi, Noritsugu Kometani, Yuji C. Sasaki, Takeshi Hasegawa, Shuichi Kato, Takashi Yamada, Takashi Shoji, Naoki Kawahara, New developments of X-ray fluorescence imaging techniques in laboratory, Spectrochim. Acta Part B, 113 (2015) 43-53.