Andriy OKHRIMOVSKYYcv-andriy
Personal info
Age | Born in 1973 |
Affiliation | Department of Physics, National Aerospace University, KhAI |
Address | Chkalov st. 17, 61070, Kharkiv, UKRAINE |
Contacts | Tel: +380 57 707 4348 E-mail: Andriy . Okhrimovskyy at gmail . com |

- Associate professor, from March 2008, at the Department of Physics, National Aerospace University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- Senior lecturer, Jan. 2007 -Feb. 2008, at the Department of Physics, National Aerospace University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
- Foreing visiting research fellow, Sep. 2004 – Sep. 2006, at the Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan.
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Jan. 2004 – July 2004, at the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ, USA.
- Visiting postdoctoral research fellow, June, 2000 – Nov. 2003, at the Department of Chemistry, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen-Wilrijk, Belgium
- Research fellow, Sep. 1999 – May 2000, at the Department of Applied Physisc, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Dolgoprudny, Russia
- Teaching assistant (part time), Sep. 1996 – June 1999, at the Department of Applied Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Dolgoprudny, Russia
- Post-graduate student , Sep. 1996 – Aug 1999, at the Department of Physical Mechanics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Dolgoprudny, Russia
- andidate of Science (equivalent to Ph.D.) in Physics and Mathematics at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Diploma issued by High Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation on 21 January 2000 after public thesis defense before Scientific Council of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology on 24 November 1999.
Thesis theme: “Theoretical investigation of the charged particles transport processes in a weakly ionized plasma in a strong electric field”.
Scientific adviser: Prof. Dr. Nickolay Aleksandrov - Engineer-physicist (equivalent to M.Sci.) in Applied Physics and Mathematics, at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Diploma with a first-class honours degree issued by Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology on 30 June 1996 after public thesis defense before the State Examination Board of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology on 3 June 1996.
Thesis theme: “Charged particle transport in weakly ionized nonequilibrium gases and plasmas”.
Scientific adviser: Prof. Dr. Nickolay Aleksandrov
20 articles in a reviewed scientific journals, 30 presentations at conferences, meetings and workshops and 5 guidance manual on physics for university students
Scientific awards
- JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers at Osaka City University from 15 September 2004 till 14 September 2006, for Design and development of new glow discharge devices for nano-technology and ultra-trace analysis.
- NATO Advanced Research Fellowship at University of Antwerp (UIA) from 1 July 2002 till 30 June 2003, for the Developing software for diamond-like carbon deposition by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition for large scale plasma reactors, including gas flow.
- Visiting postdoctoral fellowship of the Belgium Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders (FWO) at University of Antwerp (UIA) from 1 July 2001 till 30 June 2002, for the physico-chemical study of plasma processes via numerical simulation.
- Research fellowship of the Belgian Science Policy Office within the framework of the “Science & Technology cooperation Belgium – Central and Eastern Europe” program (OSTC) at University of Antwerp (UIA) from 1 July 2000 till 30 June 2001, for the numerical modeling of the glow discharge in argon.
- Soros Grant for Young Scientists, individual annual undergraduate and postgraduate fellowships supported by the International Soros Science Educational Program (ISSEP), Russia, 1996 – 1999.
Note: all these awards were obtained on a high competitive basis