2002 year
A. Original papers (原著論文)
- Z. Spolnik, K. Tsuji, K. Saito, K. Asami, K. Wagatsuma, Quantitative analysis of metallic ultra-thin films by grazing-exit electron probe x-ray microanalysis, X-Ray Spectrometry, 31 (2002) 178-183.
- Z. Spolnik, J. Zhang, K. Wagastuma, K. Tsuji, Grazing-exit electron probe x-ray microanalysis of ultra-thin films and single particles with high-angle resolution, Anal. Chim. Acta. 455 (2002) 245-252.
- K. Tsuji, K. Saito, K. Asami, K. Wagatsuma, F. Delalieux, Z. Spolnik, Localized Thin-Film Analysis by Grazing-Exit EPMA (GE-EPMA), Spectrochim. Acta. B 57 (2002) 897-906.
- J. Injuk, J. Osan, R. Van Grieken, K. Tsuji, Airborne particles in the Miyagi Museum of Art in Sendai, Japan, Studied by Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalysis and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis, Anal. Sci. 18 (2002) 561-566.
- K. Tsuji, K. Wagatsuma, Enhancement of TXRF Intensity by Using a Reflector, X-Ray Spectrom. 31 (2002) 358-362.
- K. Tsuji and F. Delalieux, Micro x-ray fluorescence using a pinhole aperture in quasi-contact mode, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 17 (2002) 1405-1407.
- K. Tsuji, Z. Spolnik, K. Wagatsuma, K. Saito, K. Asami, Characterization of thin-films at small region by grazing-exit electron probe microanalysis, Mater. Trans. JIM. 43 (2002) 414-416.
- F. Delalieux, K. Tsuji, K. Wagatsuma, R. Van Grieken, Material analysis methods applied to the study of ancient monuments, works of art and artefacts, Mater. Trans. 43 (2002) 2197-2200.
B. Others (その他(解説など)
- 辻 幸一、「斜出射X線測定と走査型トンネル顕微鏡を用いる局所表面分析」、分析化学, 51 (2002) 605-612.
- 辻 幸一、「X線分析関連の3つの国際会議報告」、ぶんせき、2002 (2002) 533.
- 辻 幸一、「斜出射X線分析のEPMAへの応用」、日本電子(株)EPMA・表面分析ユーザーズミーティング解説書、(2002).
C. Invited talks (国際会議などでの招待講演)
- K. Tsuji, “Microscopic X-Ray Surface Analysis at Grazing-Exit Geometry”, 5th International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radioisotope and Radiation Measurement Applications (IRRMA-V), 9 -14 June 2002, Bologna, Italy.
- K. Tsuji, “Grazing-Exit X-Ray Spectrometry Applied to Microscopic Surface Analysis”, 9th Conference on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF2002), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 8 – 13 September 2002.
辻 幸一、「斜出射X線分析のEPMAへの応用」2002年度日本電子EPMA・表面分析ユーザーズミーティング、平成14年9月27日
D. Presentations at international conferences (国際会議での発表)
- K. Tsuji, Y. Hasegawa, T. Sakurai, X-Ray Excitation Combined with STM, Program of the IMR Workshop “Dr. Rohrer’s JSPS Workshop”, 5-6 March, 2002 (poster).
- F. Delalieux and K. Tsuji, “Feasibility Study of Three Dimensional X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Japanese Art Crafts”, 7th International Conference on Non-destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage (ART2002), 2-6 June 2002, Antwerp, Belgium (poster).
- Z. Spolnik, K. Tsuji, R. Van Grieken, “Grazing-Exit Electron Probe X-Ray Micro Aanalysis of Light Elements”, European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (EDXRS2002), 16-21 June 2002, Berlin, Germany (poster).
- K. Tsuji, “Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis using a Si Reflector”, European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (EDXRS2002), 16-21 June 2002, Berlin, Germany (poster).
- F. Delalieux, K. Tsuji, K. Wagatsuma and S. Sato, “Calculation of GE-EPMA Intensity and Thin-Film Analysis”, European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (EDXRS2002), 16-21 June 2002, Berlin, Germany (poster).
- F. Delalieux, K. Tsuji, “Feasibility Study of Three-Demensional XRF Spectrometry Using A Pinhole Aperture in Quasi-Contact Mode”, European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (EDXRS2002), 16-21 June 2002, Berlin, Germany (poster).
- Z. Spolnik, K. Tsuji and R. Van Grieken, “Grazing-exit electron probe x-ray micro analysis of light elements in particles”, 9th Conference on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF2002), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 8 – 13 September 2002 (poster).
- K. Tsuji and F. Delalieux, “Feasibility Study of Three-Demensional XRF Spectrometry Using A Pinhole Aperture in Quasi-Contact Mode”, IMR (Tohoku Univ.) workshop, 11-12 November 2002, Sendai, Japan (poster).
E. Patents (特許)
- 辻 幸一、試料基板と反射板を用いてX線が多重反射して収束する機構にした全反射蛍光X線分析法および該分析装置、特願2002-1009.
- 辻 幸一、擬接触型キャピラリーを用いる微小領域X線分析方法及びその装置、特願2002-145760.