2013 year
- S. Komatani, K. Nakamachi, K. Nakano, S. Ohzawa, H. Uchihara, A. Bando, and K. Tsuji, Fundamental Characteristics of Hybrid X-ray Focusing Optics for Micro X-ray Fluorescence Analysis, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B, 309 (2013) 260-263.
- S. Emoto, K. Otsuki, K. Tsuji, Elemental depth profiling of forensic samples by confocal 3D-XRF method, Advances in X-ray Analysis, 56 (2013) 217-224.
- S. Komatani, S. Hirano, T. Aoyama, Y. Yokota, H. Ueda, and K. Tsuji, Micro X-ray Beam Produced with a Single Glass Capillary for XRF Analysis, Advances in X-ray Analysis, 56 (2013) 225-233.
- T. Ohmori, S. Kato, M. Doi, T. Shoji, and K. Tsuji, Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence imaging using a high-sensitivity imaging sensor, Spectrochim. Acta, Part B, 83-84 (2013) 56-60.
- T. Nakazawa and K. Tsuji, Depth-selective elemental imaging of microSD card by confocal micro-XRF analysis, X-Ray Spectrom., 42 (2013) 123-127.
- T. Nakazawa and K. Tsuji, Development of a high resolution confocal micro-XRF instrument equipped with a vacuum chamber, X-Ray Spectrom., 42 (2013) 374-379.
- 松矢 淳宣、辻 幸一、「複合型X線光学素子を備えた微小部蛍光X線分析装置の開発と評価」、X線分析の進歩、44 (2013) 111-119.
- 平野 新太郎、「第61 回デンバーX 線会議2012 報告」(国際会議報告)、X線分析の進歩、44 (2013) 327-330.
- K. Tsuji and K. Shimizu, SEM Observation of Inclusions in Steel Samples after Fast Surface Cleaning by Glow Discharge, ISIJ International, 53 (2013) 1936-1938.
- F. Onoue and K. Tsuji, X-Ray Elemental Imaging in Depth by Combination of FE-SEM-EDS and Glow Discharge Sputtering, ISIJ International, 53 (2013) 1939-1942.
- K. Nakano, K. Akioka, T. Doi, M. Arai, H. Takabe, and K. Tsuji, Elemental Depth Analysis of Corroded Paint-Coated Steel by Confocal Micro-XRF Method, ISIJ International, 53 (2013) 1953-1957.
- 辻 幸一、「蛍光X線イメージング」(総説記事)、分光研究、62 (2013) 119-127.
- Shintaro Komatani, Tomoki Aoyama, Takashi Nakazawa, Kouichi Tsuji, Comparison of SEM-EDS, Micro-XRF and Confocal Micro-XRF for Electric Device Analysis, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology, 11 (2013) 133-137.