Kouichi TSUJIcv-tsuji
1987 | Bachelor of Engineering, Tohoku University |
1989 | Master of Engineering, Tohoku University |
1992 | Doctor of Engineering, Tohoku University, Tohoku Univ. |

Work Experience
April, 1992 – Sep. 2002 | Research Associate, IMR, Tohoku Univ. |
April, 2002-Sep. 2002 | Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Tsuji Program leader |
Oct. 2002 – present | Associate Prof., Osaka City University |
Oct. 2004 – March 2008 | JST-PRESTO researcher |
Sep. 1998 – Aug. 1999 |
visiting researcher, Micro and Trace Analysis Centre, University of Antwerp (Prof. Van Grieken) supported by bilateral program of JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Research Subjects: “Development of Trace-Surface Analytical Method” |
June 2000 | visiting researcher, University of Bath, England, supported by Royal Society of Chemistry |
Aug. 2001 – Oct. 2001 | visiting researcher, Basel University and IBM Zurich Institute in Switzerland |
1995 | Organizer of IMR workshop “Surface-Interface Analysis by using Total Reflection Phenomenon” |
1998 – 2002 | Managers of Tohoku Branch, The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry |
Jan. 2000 | present, Editorial Advisory Board of international journal “X-Ray Spectrometry” |
2003 | present, Managers of Kinki Branch, The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry |
Aug. 2003 | Editorial Board of “e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology” Member of Organizing committees of TXRF2003, Satellite meeting, ALC2003, OCU-International conference |
2004 | Editorial board of Advances in X-ray Chemical Analysis in Japan |
2004 | Member of JSPS 19th committee on Chemical Analysis of Steels |
2004-2005 | Organizing committee of International Symposium in Osaka City University (Osaka, Japan) |
2005 | Permanent manager of X-ray analysis discussion group in Japan |
2005 | Manager of Kansai Chemical Analysis Research Committee in Japan |
2005 | Member of Scientific committees of ICXOM2005 ( |
2005 | Member of Organizing committees of ICXOM2007 ( |
Cooperative researches
July 2000 – Aug. 2000 | Host researcher of JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research (Dr. Jasna Injuk) |
Aug. 2000 – May 2001 | Host researcher of JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research (Dr. Zoya Spolnik) |
Nov. 2001 | present (2 years), JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researcher (Dr. Filip Delalieux) |
Feb. 2003 | with Prof. X. Ding (Beijing Normal University) |
2003 | Host researcher of JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research (Prof. Rene Van Grieken) |
May 2005 | with Prof. X. Ding (Beijing Normal University) |
- Award for Encouragement from The Surface Science Society of Japan (Nov. 1995)
- Award for Encouragement from The Japan Society of Applied Physics (Nov. 1996)
- Award for Young Scientist from The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (Oct. 1997)
- Award for Encouragement from The Harada foundation (Nov. 1997)
- The Wiley Best Poster Award of ART2002 (7th International Conference on Non-destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage)
“Feasibilty of 3-D XRS and its application to the study of Japanese art craft”,
by F. Delalieux and K. Tsuji (5 May 2002, Antwerp, Belgium) - The Best Poster Award at EDXRS 2002 (European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry)
“Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis using an Adjustable Reflector”
by K. Tsuji, F. Delalieux, K. Wagatsuma (20, June, 2002, Berlin Germany) - Young Scientist Researcher Award at EDXRS 2002 (European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry)
“Feasibility Study of 3-D X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry using a Pinhole Aperture in Quasi-Contact Mode”
by F. Delalieux and K. Tsuji (20, June, 2002, Berlin Germany) - TXRF2003 Best Poster Award (The 10th International Conference on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis)
“Development of Micro X-ray Fluorescence Analysis Instrument using Polycapillary X-ray Lens and its Application”
by T. Emoto, Y. Sato, K. Tsuji, X. Ding (17, Sep. 2003, Awaji, Hyogo, Japan) - Denver X-ray Conference 2005 Best XRF Poster Award
“Development of Plastic Certified Reference Materials for XRF analysis (JSAC 0611-0615) containing Pb, Cd, Cr”
by K. Nakano, K. Tsuji, T. Nakamura (3, August, 2005, Denver, USA) - 34th CSI (Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale) Poster Award
“Depth unlimited X-ray fluorescence analysis for soft materials using needle-type
collimators”, by K. Tsuji, A. Matsuda, K. Nakano, A, Okhrimovskyy
(8, Sep., 2005, Antwerp, Belgium)