Presentations at Conferencesconferenses
- Y. Zhabchyk and A. Okhrimovskyy (promoter), “Nuclear-fission rocket”, VII Sci.Conf. on Modern problems of rocket-space technology, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 20-23 April (2010)
- E.Stefanovich and A. Okhrimovskyy (promoter), “Plasma-ion engine”, VII Sci.Conf. on Modern problems of rocket-space technology, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 20-23 April (2010)
- Y.Trunova and A. Okhrimovskyy (promoter), “Electric propulsive engine”, VII Sci.Conf. on Modern problems of rocket-space technology, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 20-23 April (2010)
- D. Bratuschenko and A. Okhrimovskyy (promoter), “Large hadron collider”, VII Sci.Conf. on Modern problems of rocket-space technology, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 20-23 April (2010)
- K. Tsuji, K. Tanaka, Y. Matsuoka, A. Okhrimovskyy, and X. Ding, “Applications of Focusing X-ray Optics to TXRF Analysis”, International Conference on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis, Frascati Italy, 25 -30 September (2005)
- K. Tsuji, K. Tetsuoka, A. Okhrimovskyy, K. Saito, K. Asami, “Lateral Resolution of Electron Probe Microanalysis under Grazing Exit Conditions”, International Conference on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis, Frascati, Italy, 25 -30 September (2005)
- A. Okhrimovskyy, K. Tsuj “Nondestructive depth profiling with GE-XRF through numerical modeling”, International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and related methods, Budapest, Hungary, September 18-22 (2005)
- A. Okhrimovskyy, K. Tsuj Y.Matsuoka, K.Saito, “Theoretical characterization of reflector-assisted TXRF analysis” International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and related methods, Budapest, Hungary, September 18-22 (2005)
- A. Okhrimovskyy, K. Tsuj “Numerical Analysis of X-ray Induced by Electron Beam under Grazing Exit Conditions”, International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and related methods Budapest, Hungary, September 18-22 (2005)
- K. Tsuji, A. Matsuda, K. Nakano, A. Okhrimovskyy. “Depth unlimited X-ray fluorescence analysis for soft materials using needle-type collimators” Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXIV University of Antwerp, Belgium 4 -9 September (2005)
- K. Tsuji, K. Tanaka, K. Nakano, A. Okhrimovskyy, Y. Konishi, X. Ding. “Micro-XRF Analysis of Biological Materials” 54th Annual Conference on Applications of X-ray Analysis The Denver X-ray Conference , Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, 1-5 August (2005)
- D. Matyushov, A. Okhrimovskyy. ”Paraelectric and ferroelectric order in two-state dipolar fluids ” 3rd International Conference Physics of Liquid Matter: Modern Problems (PLMMP-2005), Kiev, Ukraine, 27-31 May (2005)
- K.Tsuji, A. Okhrimovskyy, T. Moriyama. “Investigation of the measurement arrangement in X-ray fluorescence analysis using ultra-thin film sample carrier” 67-th Annual meeting of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan, 14-15 May (2005)
- A. Okhrimovskyy, A. Bogaerts, R. Gijbels. “Influence of convection on RF discharge in CH4: numerical modeling” in proceedings of XXVI International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG XXVI), 3, 37, Greifswald, Germany, July 15 – 20 (2003)
- A. Okhrimovskyy, A. Bogaerts, R. Gijbels. “Including convection transport in the numerical model of RF discharge” in book of astract of International Conference on Physics of Low Temperature Plasma (PLTP-03), 7.25.49, Kyiv, Ukraine, 11-15 May (2003)
- A. Okhrimovskyy, A. Bogaerts, R. Gijbels. “The Effect of Gas Flow on the Gas Discharge Properties”, in conference proceedings of the XVI European Sectional Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases (ESCAMPIG XVI), 2, 79, Grenoble, France, July 14 – 18 (2002)
- A. Okhrimovskyy, A.Bogaerts and R.Gijbels. “The effect of gas flow on the gas discharge properties” in book of abstracts of General Scientific meeting of the Belgium physical society, gp23, Liege, Belgium, 5-6 June (2002)
- A.Bogaerts, A. Okhrimovskyy and R.Gijbels. “Calculation of the gas flow and its effect on the plasma characteristics for a modified Grimm-type glow discharge cell” in proceedings CD-ROM of Final General Meeting on Comparison between Glow Discharge Modeling and Experiments, EC Thematic Network on Glow Discharge Spectroscopy for Spectrochemical Analysis, Wiener Neustadt, Austria, 4-6 March (2002)
- A.Bogaerts, A. Okhrimovskyy and R.Gijbels. “Calculation of the gas flow and its effect on the plasma characteristics for a modified Grimm-type glow discharge cell” in book of extended abstracts of Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, 220-221, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, January 6-12 (2002)
- A. Okhrimovskyy, A.Bogaerts. “Plans to model the gas flow in analytical glow discharge cells” in proceedings CD-ROM of Expert Meetings on Glow Discharge Ion Source Development, EC Thematic Network on Glow Discharge Spectroscopy for Spectrochemical Analysis, Antwerp, Belgium, 21-23 March (2001)
- N.L.Aleksandrov, A.M.Konchakov, A.M.Okhrimovskyy, M.V.Shchipka, A.N.Starostin. “Electron transport and rate properties in nonideal plasmas”, 9 International Workshop on Physics of Nonideal Plasmas (PNP-9), Rostock University, Germany, September 6-11 (1998)
- N.L.Aleksandrov, A.M.Okhrimovskyy . “The rate of ion-molecular processes in varying electric field” in abstract of book of Conference on the Physics of Low-Temperature Plasmas, 1, 24-26 Petrozavodsk, Russia, June 22-27 (1998)
- N.L.Aleksandrov, A.M.Okhrimovskyy. “The termodiffusion of ions in gas mixtures in a strong electric field” in the abstracts of the XL Scientific Conference of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 3, 13, Dolgoprudny, Russia, November 29-30 (1997)
- N.L.Aleksandrov, E.M.Baselyan, I.V.Kochetov, A.M.Okhrimovskyy. “The rate of unelastic electron processes in air in space-time varying electric field”, in poster session of NATO Advanced Research Workshop on “Electron Kinetics and Applications of Glow Discharges” (NATO ARW), St-Petersburg, Russia, May 18-27 (1997)
- N.L.Aleksandrov, E.M.Baselyan, A.M.Okhrimovskyy. “Streamer propagation modelling in N2:O2 mixtures” in the abstracts the XXXIX Scientific Conference of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 3, 26, November 29-30 (1996)
- N.L.Aleksandrov, A.P.Napartovich, A.M.Okhrimovskyy. “Electron pseudo diffusion in RF electric field in gases with fast electron attachment and detachment processes”, in the abstracts of the XIII European Sectional Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases (ESCAMPIG XIII), B, 505-506, Poprad, Slovakia, August 27-30 (1996)
- N.L.Aleksandrov, S.A.Guz, A.M.Konchakov, A.P.Napartovich, A.M.Okhrimovskyy. “High-frequency electrical breakdown in electronegative gases with fast electron attachment and detachment processes”, in proceedings book of the III International Workshop on “Strong Microwaves in Plasmas”, 1, 390-394, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, August 7-14 (1996)
- N.L.Aleksandrov, A.P.Napartovich, A.M.Okhrimovskyy. “High-frequency electrical breakdown in electronegative gases with fast destruction of negative ions”, in the abstracts of the VIII Conference on the Physics of Gas Discharge, 1, 49-50, Ryazan, Russia, June 27-30 (1996)
- N.L.Aleksandrov, A.P.Napartovich, A.M.Okhrimovskyy. “Ion transport in weakly ionized nonequilibrium plasmas in varying electric field”, in the abstracts of the Conference on the Physics of Low-Temperature Plasmas, 1, 39-40, Petrozavodsk, Russia, June 20-26 (1995)
- N.L.Aleksandrov, A.M.Okhrimovskyy. “The diffusion of ions along the electric field in gases with fast of ion-molecular reactions”, the XXXVIII Scientific Conference of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia, November 25-26 (1994)